• U.S.

Medicine: Schizophrenia Toxin?

1 minute read

After more than half a century of brilliant research into the emotional causes of schizophrenia, Zurich’s famed Psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung, 81, made a startling switch last week, conceded that perhaps the causes of schizophrenia should be sought in biochemical poisoning. (Research based on this idea is already well started at many U.S. centers.) Said Jung in a Voice of America broadcast:

“Inasmuch as we have been unable to discover any psychologically understandable process to account for the schizophrenic complex, I draw the conclusion that there might be a toxic cause. That is, a physiological change has taken place because the brain cells were subjected to emotional stress beyond their capacity … I suggest that here is an almost unexplored region, ready for pioneering research work.”

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