• U.S.

Sport: The New Boy

1 minute read

Basketball’s pros, like their colleagues in other sports, like nothing better than to cut the latest college sensation down to size. Last week, in a benefit game for Cincinnati’s Maurice Stokes (stricken with a paralyzing brain disease), the pros got their first chance at the most loudly touted of them all—Wilt (“The Stilt”) Chamberlain, the 7-ft. 2-in. Negro from Philadelphia who will join the Philadelphia Warriors as a rookie this fall.

To the pros’ astonishment, Wilt lived up to his clippings, and then some. Matched against Detroit’s Walter Dukes (7 ft.), Chamberlain blocked shot after shot, traded elbow for elbow. Although he played less than half the game, he still scored 20 points, snapped 14 rebounds from such oldtimers as the Celtics’ rugged Jim Loscutoff. helped his team win 85-61. Even with the Celtics’ great Bob Cousy on the floor. Chamberlain was named the game’s most valuable player. Said Syracuse’s perennial all-star Dolph Schayes: “Fantastic!”

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