• U.S.

Foreign News: Sun-Baked Language

1 minute read

From one of Nasser’s clandestine propaganda stations, calling itself the Jordan People’s Radio came this news report to the Arab people last week: “Eisenhower, the old man of the imperialist American dollar, visits his country’s surgical hospitals every now and then to undergo some operation or other. This has gone on so long that his body has become one big lump of drugs. The ultimate treatment for a septic part of the body is amputation, and, as many patches on Eisenhower’s body will eventually end him up on the city dump, so will the imperialist struggle definitely fall into the abyss.”

Next day in the U.N., defending Nasser’s vicious and inflammatory propaganda in the Middle East, Nasser’s Foreign Minister Mahmoud Fawzi said: “It has been claimed that some Arab broadcasts do not conform to certain standards. The fact is that these broadcasts are feared and hated . . . because they tell the truth … in the plain, sun-baked language of 1958.”

Fawzi is widely accounted a scholarly and able lawyer, but like many another attorney for a gangster client, he sometimes has to serve as a mere mouthpiece.

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