• U.S.

Army & Navy – MARINES: Leatherlungs

1 minute read

The skirl of bagpipes, which has long lifted the hackles of Scottish fighters, has so stirred U.S. Marines stationed in Londonderry that they have formed their own pipe band. With chanters & drones and drums, such Scots-by-sentiment as Privates Chartowich, Ritz and Rozelle have practiced pibrochs and set to the pipes the Marine’s own Semper Fidelis.

Thirty strong, the unkilted but undaunted band made its first public appearance on the anniversary of the Corps’s landing in Northern Ireland, tootled, thumped and groaned through Oh, Susanna! and Garryowen. Last week the Marine pipers swelled with pride as well as wind: Scottish pipe band associations had invited them over to participate in their contests; they were also billed as the star attraction at a Wings for Victory bond rally at Larne, Northern Ireland.

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