• U.S.

Science: Path of Progress

1 minute read

Inventions recently granted patents by the U.S. Patent Office:

—A submarine engine fueled by hydrogen peroxide.

—A stencil that fits over fingernails for quicker, neater nail tinting.

—An aircraft carrier with its deck mounted on piston rods that automatically keep the deck level when the ship pitches.

—An unsinkable bathing suit.

—An airplane parachute that allows damaged plane to drift to earth without crashing.

—A cigaret with a built-in ash tray—fine glass’ fibers that hold the ashes as the cigaret burns.

—A wind-making machine to produce the proper breezes for wafting pollen in nut-tree groves.

—An electrically heated safety razor for more comfortable shaving.

—A football helmet with radio receiver, presumably to facilitate communications from the coach.

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