• U.S.

AIR: Disaster at Norfolk

1 minute read

Across an open space at the bustling Norfolk Naval Air Station moved a truck with six small trailers, each carrying four depth charges ready to be loaded into the waiting anti-submarine patrol planes. Suddenly a little blaze sprang up on one of the trailers. A station fire engine dashed up in a brave, hopeless effort to halt the fire. But before it could go into action the 24 cordite-loaded charges exploded like a salvo of blockbusters in a blinding flash and shattering concussion. The toll: 25 dead*; 249 injured. The blast and fire wrecked a hangar and eight barracks, damaged other hangars filled with aircraft. Tight-lipped Navy and FBI men began their investigations.

University of Georgia, University of Iowa and St. Mary’s College, California.

-Including Seaman 2nd Class Elizabeth Korensky, first WAVE killed in line of duty on active service.

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