• U.S.

Marines: Bring Your Friends

1 minute read

On Guam, where Jap troops made futile suicidal counterattacks onadvancing U.S. troops, the Marines printed and distributed thefollowing handbills (according to last week’s Army weekly, Yank):


BANZAI CHARGE Thrills Chills Suspense

See Sake-Crazed

Japs Charge at High Port*

See Everybody Shoot Everybody

See the Cream of the Marine Corps

Play with Live Ammo

Sponsored by

The Athletic and Morale Office

Come Along and Bring a Friend

Don’t Miss the Thrilling Spectacle of the

Banzai Charge, Starting at 10 p.m. and

Lasting All Night ADMISSION FREE

* High port: the cross-body position for holding a rifle in a bayonet position.

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