• U.S.

World Battlefronts: MEN AT WAR: Minor Operation

1 minute read

Two weeks before Dijon’s liberation, two U.S. paratroopers—boyish Captain William Pietsch (rhymes with screech) and Sergeant Robert Baird—dropped down into the area from England. Also parachuted: automatic arms and mortars for 300 men. The two Americans organized the Maquis, led several small attacks, harried the disorganized Germans right & left. Getting bigger ideas, Captain Pietsch set out in an ancient Buick, drove it through German lines, reached the Third Army, borrowed a few U.S. tanks.

With these he set a trap, destroyed a big German convoy, drove on into Dijon, cleaned out the town. When French troops arrived next day, the captain, the sergeant, the Maquis and the U.S. tanks were occupying Burgundy’s capital.

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