• U.S.

NEW YORK: Peace in Pocantico

2 minute read

NEW YORK Peace in Pocantico

“I remember most unhappily,” wrote John D. Rockefeller Jr. last week, “the protracted tax litigation between my father and the village of North Tarrytown, N. Y. Although it resulted in his favor, it left my father a feeling of hurt and injury that I think never quite disappeared.” Whether or not he expected to end feeling hurt or injured, Mr. Rockefeller six years ago took court action to have the 1934 assessed valuation ($2,619, 890) on his North Tarrytown property, including a corner of his vast Pocantico Hills estate reduced.

He too was successful, winning last August a reduction of $502,721. Town officials, who would have to make refund, and who faced similar litigation for the years 1935 to 1939, calculated they would have to write their neighbor a check for some $50,000.

Last week, however, Mr. Rockefeller declared he would waive the refund (except half the $6,705 litigation cost) and forget any further action, if the town would base his 1940 assessment on the readjusted one for 1934, and if he could be assured that henceforth he would not be discriminated against.

“It opens up a new era in good feeling between the village and Mr. Rockefeller.” said Mayor Edward A. Martin, hastily accepting these terms.

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