• U.S.

Music: Von Popper’s Season

1 minute read

Maria Jeritza, well-fed and tanned a warm ecru by a summer on the estate of Baron Leopold von Popper, near Vienna, returned to the U. S. last week. Schnurri II, white cat that she carried to all her performances at the Metropolitan Opera last year, she left behind. She languishes, she said, for Schnurri and the other estate animals—Schnurri’s summer lay of kittens; horses, police dogs, dachshund, and a little white lamb. Husband von Popper, gallant and taller than Jeritza, escorted her to San Francisco where she is to sing in a pre-season Tannhäuser and Salome. There he was to leave her and return to Vienna until the end of the New York Metropolitan season, which, he remarked, will be the last he will permit her.

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