• U.S.

Radio: Program Preview, Sep. 27, 1948

1 minute read

For the week starting Friday, Sept. 24. Times are E.D.T., through Sept. 25, E.S.T. thereafter, subject to change.

NBC Symphony (Sat. 6:30 p.m., NBC). Radio premiere of Richard Strauss’s Fantasy on Die Frau Ohm Schatten.

Dateline Israel (Sun. 4 p.m., CBS). Dramatization of the rapid growth of Palestine since the war. Narrator: Quentin Reynolds.

United Nations Case Boole (Sun. 6:45 p.m., CBS). A documentary series on the worldwide effect of U.N. actions.

Actor’s Studio (Sun. 8:30 p.m., ABC Television). Première of Portrait of a Madonna by Tennessee Williams. Jessica Tandy plays the lead. Narrator: Marc Connelly.

Radio Time (Wed. 10 p.m., ABC). Bing Crosby returns to the air.

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