• U.S.

Canada: THE PROVINCES: Across the Land

1 minute read

¶ In Regina, Mineral Resources Director W. James Bichan announced the discovery of a copper-nickel deposit in the Grassy Lake area of northeastern Saskatchewan.

¶ In Peterborough, Ont., the Examiner (circ. 13,376) talked back to an anachronistic editorial in the London Times. Louis St. Laurent, said the Times (without regard for Canada’s sense of independent nationhood), could not become Prime Minister until the King, through the Governor General, Viscount Alexander, had approved. Said the Times: “. . . It is not likely that Lord Alexander will look beyond him.” Cracked Peterborough’s Examiner: “We think it is so unlikely as to be out of the question … In suggesting such a thing the Times is sadly behind the times.”

¶ In Quebec City, Premier Maurice Duplessis got a gift from an admirer: the Grand Cross of the Order of the Liberator San Martin from Argentina’s President Juan Domingo Peron.

¶ In Ottawa, the Dominion government issued figures on immigration to Canada in the first half of 1948. Six-month total: 57,275. Main sources: British Isles (23,-468), Europe’s D.P. camps (18,886), The Netherlands (5,820).

¶ In Pouce Coupé, B.C. and other points in the Peace River district, snow and frost damaged crops.

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