• U.S.

LOWER SLOBBOVIA: Escape from Utopia

1 minute read

From Lower Slobbovia, TIME Editor Peter Mathews reported:

The bleak uplands of Al Capp’s pan-Slobbic Utopia were tense with expectation last week. It was the day most eagerly awaited by Lower Slobbovians—G.O.S.* Day, when one lucky citizen is named to fill the U.S. immigration quota of one Slobbovian per hundred years.

While they waited, Lower Slobbovians, who had burrowed neck-deep through the snow (see cut) to learn the emigrant’s name, sang their national anthem:

We are citizens of Slobbovia!

Oh that this should happening to us!

We are giving you back to the Indians

But they are refusing, of cuss!

Ptui to you, Slobbovia!

We hate your icebound coast!

Of all the countries in the world


The lucky emigré: Lena the Hyena (pearl of Lower Slobbovian womanhood, who is so ugly that she is kept behind an iron curtain of seclusion lest men, seeing her, go mad).

” Gat-Out-of-Slobbovia!”

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