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International: Gherkins & Pickled Herrings

1 minute read

At London’s Lancaster House, the Palestine conference (TIME, Sept. 16) got nowhere. Palestine Arabs and Jews still boycotted it. Other Arab delegates stubbornly demanded an undivided, Arab-dominated Palestine. The British said no.

In the swank Dorchester Hotel and Grosvenor House (which also housed the Arab delegates), Drs. Chaim Weizman and Nahum Goldman, of the Jewish Agency Executive, watchfully waited. Neville Laski, K.C. (Harold’s brother) raced between conference and Whitehall with news of the latest developments.

Said Dr. Goldman last week: “The first stage of the conference is finished. The Arabs have unanimously rejected the British Government’s federal plan. Now it is logical that a second stage will start in which the conference will discuss other things including partition . . . and then we will come!”

Against that day, Britons had hopefully stocked the lush Lancaster House buffet with two indicative delicacies: gherkins and pickled herrings.

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