• U.S.

Sport: Cardinals’ Pennant

1 minute read

Just before the New York Giants went South last spring, a reporter asked Manager Bill Terry what he thought of the Brooklyn Dodgers. Scornfully Manager Terry replied: “The Dodgers? Are they still in the League?”

At Manhattan’s Polo Grounds last week, the Dodgers gave Manager Terry the answer to his gibe. They won from the Giants the two crucial games that gave the St. Louis Cardinals the National League pennant, the right to meet the Detroit Tigers in the World Series this week. In the last three weeks, the League-leading Giants lost eleven games out of 21. while the Cardinals, thanks principally to the able pitching-of the Dean Brothers, won 16 out of 21.

While the Dodgers were downing the Giants, St. Louis clinched the closest pennant race in years by beating Cincinnati twice in a row.

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