• U.S.

Business: Large Statement

1 minute read

After U. S. Comptroller John William Pole had diligently perused the 6,150 national bank statements for which he called on June 30, he had assistants consolidate them into one big bank statement. This big statement showed that all national banks had resources totaling $22,368,000,000, a decline of over $2,294,000,000 since the last year end. Deposits were $17,461,000,000, a drop of $1,783,000,000. Loans and discounts had shrunk $1,639,000,000 to $10,282,000,000. National banks held $3,352,000,000 of Government securities, one-sixth of the total U. S. debt. Of cash and balances with other banks including the Federal Reserve they had $3,445,000,000. Depositors maintained 14,150,000 savings accounts.

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