• U.S.

THE VATICAN: Pope to President

1 minute read

This week President Roosevelt’s personal envoy to Pope Pius XII, Myron Charles Taylor, had a final interview with the Supreme Pontiff and, having been in Italy just 13 days, left to return to the U.S. What the Pope told Mr. Taylor in reply to the President’s message on war-&-peace aims still remained a secret (TIME, Sept. 22), but Mr. Taylor dropped one strong hint that he considered this his last mis sion to the Vatican (reason: war?). Before leaving, he gave his $500,000 villa in Florence to the Pope, Vatican circles laconically reported that Mr. Taylor carried back to the President an auto graphed photograph of the Pope, together with His Holiness’ assurance that he would continue to pray for the soul of the President’s late mother, Sara Delano Roosevelt.

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