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With bland disregard for Latin protocol, Nazi Karl Arnold sneaked out of Argentina one day last month, deported himself to Uruguay before he could be officially ousted for his part in an abortive Nazi coup (TIME, Aug. 26). Indignantly Argentina insisted that he be returned and deported properly: receive the expulsion order in person, remain in jail until formally escorted out of the country.

Wary of Argentine red tape, fearing dearth of transportation to Germany might keep him in prison until war’s end, Nazi Arnold appealed the extradition order Uruguay had granted, gained a 20-day reprieve. Last week, with a new passport obligingly issued by the German Legation in Montevideo, he thwarted Argentina again. Uruguayan police relented, granted him permission to sail for Rio de Janeiro, where he could catch a LATI plane for Italy. Steaming north aboard the Japanese Hawaii Maru, he had one more hurdle ahead: Brazil had not authorized his landing at Rio, so he would be forced to remain aboard ship until his plane left.

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