• U.S.


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Many a Congressman, full of sound & fury, tells the home folks what he is going to do at the next session. Often his remarks are for political drama and home consumption only. It is otherwise with Mississippi’s Senator Pat Harrison, chairman of the potent Senate Finance Committee. Usually cautious about what he says, he usually means it when he says it. Last week at a meeting of the Democratic State Committee in Jackson. Miss., he spoke. His flat announcement:

Regardless of Administration policy, he for one will fight to reduce Government expenditures. ”Excessive Federal spending must cease. . . . Certainly we must take care of the hungry and starving, but you and I know there are thousands on the WPA rolls who have no business there.”

Defending his 1938 tax law. which President Roosevelt sneered at and refused to sign, the Senator said: “You can’t take 80 or 90% of a man’s income in Federal taxes and expect him to risk his money in industrial investments. Money is what makes the mare go.”

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