• U.S.

GREAT BRITAIN: Englishmen Working

1 minute read

Lecturing at Oxford on Jews who have been forced to flee from Germany, Sir John Simpson announced that thus far in Britain these refugees have done so well that they have given jobs to 25,000 Englishmen. Sir John blandly concluded a warm plea for more refugees saying, “Thus far the number of jobs they have given our people exceeds the number of refugees.”

Sir John failed to stress that nearly all such jobs are in factories set up in Britain by wealthy Jews who got out of Germany with their fortunes intact either before or just after Hitler became Chancellor in 1933. Corsets, brassieres, buttons and leather goods are the chief products of these factories. Many were set up by the Jews in plants abandoned in British “distressed areas” such as Durham. In Hampstead, London, there are now so many German Jews that Bobbies have been put on the beat who speak German. Dr. Sigmund Freud exclaimed to friends recently how startled he was when a Hampstead policeman, apparently 100% British, suddenly greeted him with a booming “Guten Abend, Herr Doktor!”

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