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RUMANIA: George, Carol & Adolf

1 minute read

In Bucharest last week the seven-week-old emergency Cabinet, organized by bosky-bearded Patriarch Miron Cristea when King Carol made himself Dictator (TIME, Feb. 21), was quietly reshuffled. The galaxy of six former Premiers, who as his Ministers without Portfolio lent their prestige to Dictator Carol in the crisis, dropped out of the Cabinet last week, were replaced by a line-up of lacklustre politicians and yes-men, of whom Rumania has many. As Stooge No. 1 the 69-year-old Patriarch was again sworn in as Premier.

A significant change was the replacement of mildly pro-Nazi National Liberal Leader George Tatarescu as Foreign Minister by ardently pro-Nazi Nicolas Petrescu-Comnen. King Carol has called off his spring State visit to Britain’s King George, is now planning one to Adolf Hitler in Berlin, where M. Petrescu-Comnen was Rumanian Minister from 1932 until his appointment as Under-Secretary of State a few weeks ago.

The new Government’s aim was announced as “good relations with all neighbors.” However, a Palace spokesman added meaningly: “His Majesty’s Government will be conscious of the realities of recent Danubian developments”—i.e., the Nazification of Austria.

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