• U.S.

Current Affairs Test, Feb. 21, 1938

10 minute read

12. President Roosevelt’s opportunity to make his second appointment to the Supreme Court came in January when he received a letter announcing retirement of Justice (1 Sam G. Bratton, 2 Louis Dembitz Brandeis, 3 Harlan F. Stone, 4 Pierce Butler, 5 George Sutherland).

13. Chairman of the new board to draw up a program for the Republican Party is (1 Glenn Frank, 2 Alfred M. Landon, 3 Herbert Hoover, 4 George D. Aiken, 5 John D. M. Hamilton).

14. Charles Bedaux, sponsor of the proposed trip of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor to the U. S., is cordially disliked by organized labor because he (1 heads an agency for strikebreakers, 2 is chairman of Republic Steel Corporation, 3 called out the militia in a textile strike, 4 is a friend of the DuPonts, 5 invented an efficiency unit system which workers regard the same as ‘”stretch-out” or “speed-up”).

15. The city in which the C. I. O. unsuccessfully entered the mayoralty election with a direct endorsement of a losing candidate was (1 New York, 2 Birmingham, 3 Newark, N. J., 4 San Francisco, 5 Detroit).

16. The avowed purpose of the new crop control bill is to (1 guarantee an abundance of food, 2 bring the farmers completely under the domination of the Department of Agriculture, 3 keep farm prices up and stable, 4 guarantee the farmer his cost of production, 5 win votes for the Democratic party in the 1938 Congressional election).

17. The former Secretary of State, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize and co-author of the peace pact who died in December was (1 Newton D. Baker, 2 Joseph Robinson, 3 Cordell Hull, 4 Frank B. Kellogg, 5 Harry L. Hopkins).

18. In a telegram to President Roosevelt former Republican Presidential Candidate Alfred M. Landon promised support on (1 the crop control plan, 2 matters of international policy, 3 the antimonopoly drive, 4 the war against crime, 5 dealing with the business recession).

19. To release more than a billion dollars for new construction and repair work, President Roosevelt made certain overtures for peace between the Administration and the (1 Du Pont Products Co., 2 automobile manufacturers, 3 public utilities, 4 steel industry, 5 railroads).

20. In recent speeches by Assistant Attorney General Robert H. Jackson and Secretary of the Interior Harold L. Ickes, responsibility for the business recession was laid at the door of (1 monopolistic Big Business, 2 foreign war, 3 speculation in American stocks and bonds by foreigners, 4 overproduction, 5 insufficient gold supply).

21. The new political party which holds the balance of power in New York City and which Mayor LaGuardia recently joined is the (1 Socialist, 2 Republican, 3 American Labor, 4 Progressive Republican, 5Farmer-Labor).

22. In addition to the Tennessee Valley development, the New Deal is engaged in completing a gigantic program to produce electric power (1 in the Gulf of Lower California, 2 at Bonneville Dam in Oregon, 3 at Memphis, Tennessee, 4 in North Florida, 5 at Passamaquoddy, Maine).

23. An outstanding proposal made by the President in his housing message was to (1 have the Government guarantee 90% mortgage loans, 2 permit builders of small homes to borrow all the money they need from the Government, 3 reduce the amount which the Government will lend toward building a new home while also reducing the interest rate, 4 resume large scale Government slum clearance projects, 5 set up a fund of $5,000,000,000 for housing loans).

24. The Ludlow Resolution which was sent back to committee by the House contains a proposed amendment to the Constitution providing for (1 return of Prohibition, 2 withdrawal of U. S. war ships in foreign waters when war breaks out, 3 limiting the Supreme Court’s powers by permitting a two-thirds vote of Congress to override a judicial veto, 4 a national referendum before war can be declared except when it is purely defensive, 5 scrapping the Monroe Doctrine).

25. The late Robert W. Bingham’s successor as U. S. Ambassador to the Court of St. James will be (1 Hugh R. Wilson, 2 William E. Dodd, 3 Joseph E. Davies, 4 Joseph P. Kennedy, 5 Frank B. Kellogg).

26. One of the major differences between the farm bills passed by the House and the Senate is (1 the House bill sets permissible crop reserves so high that there would seldom be compulsory Governmental control, 2 the Senate bill does not accept the principle of compulsory governmental control of crops, 3 the House bill was sponsored by the American Farm Bureau Federation, 4 the Senate bill advocates no governmental control of crops, 5 the Senate bill is restricted to wheat and cotton).

27. In the peace negotiations to unite the C. I. O. forces with those of the A. F. of L., John L. Lewis demanded that (1 the A. F. of L. absorb only the one million union members originally suspended after the organization of the C. I. O., 2 the A. F. of L. absorb all four million present members of the C. I. O., 3 William Green withdraw from the presidency of the A. F. of L., 4 all members of the A. F. of L. join the C. I. O., 5 both groups come under the direct supervision of the U. S. Department of Labor).

28. Recent revisions of the Federal budget figures have indicated that the national debt by the close of the present fiscal year will be approximately (1 twenty-five, 2 ten, 3 forty-two, 4 fifty, 5thirty-eight) billion dollars.

29. A suggestion for revitalizing the Republican party made by ex-President Hoover and killed by the G. O. P. National Committee was to (1 liberalize the party, 2 turn the management of the party over to the younger Republicans, 3 hold a mid-term convention, 4 merge with Southern Democrats, 5 effect a reconciliation with the La Follette Progressives).

30. In a New York speech early in November the Secretary of the Treasury said the Federal Government should balance the budget by (1 reducing Government expenditures, 2 more priming of the economic pump, 3 cutting Federal loans abroad, 4 new taxes, 5 devaluing the dollar).

31. Norman H. Davis is the (1 new president of the New York Stock Exchange, 2 utilities executive who has been conferring with the President, 3 diplomat who represented the U. S. at the Brussels Conference, 4 Secretary of Agriculture, 5 Ambassador to Russia).

32. Obstacles in the path of an effective trade agreement between the United States and Britain are the Ottawa agreements of 1932 which (1 bound England not to raise the tariffs, 2 established preferential tariffs between Britain and her Dominions, 3 bound Britain not to buy anything from the U. S. she could get from Canada, 4 restored free trade to Britain and her Dominions, 5 bound Britain not to enter into any international agreement without the consent of her Dominions).

33. James McCauley Landis was succeeded as chairman of the SEC by (1 Ferdinand Pecora, 2 Rexford G. Tugwell, 3 William O. Douglas, 4 Robert H. Jackson, 5 Joseph P. Kennedy).

34. In his housing message to Congress the President asked organized labor to cooperate by (1 abandoning the closed shop principle until prosperity returns, 2 not invoking the Wagner act in every case of suspected violation, 3 settling its differences and merging into a single huge organization, 4 accepting lower hourly wages in return for a guaranteed annual income, 5 abandoning for the time being their stand in refusing to work with building materials produced in non-union shops).

35. Wendell L. Wilkie is the (1 utilities executive who has been trying to arrange peace between the Administration and utilities companies, 2 American diplomat who was murdered in Syria, 3 director of the C. C. C., 4 new White House Secretary, S new president of U. S. Steel).

36. The union which has been the financial backbone of the C. I. O. is the (1 United Textile Workers, 2 United Woodworkers, 3 Brotherhood of Railway Conductors, 4 United Mine Workers, 5 Amalgamated Association of Iron, Tin and Steel Workers).

37. Successor to the late Joseph Robinson as Senate majority leader is (1 Samuel H. Reyburn, 2 Henrik Shipstead, 3 Bertrand H. Snell, 4 Robert M. La Follette Jr. 5 Alben W Barkley).

38. At the close of the special session of Congress the wages and hours bill was (1 passed by both the House and the Senate, 2 referred by the House to the Labor Committee for further study and revision, 3 completely revised so that it no longer “had teeth in it” and passed by a large majority in the House, 4 passed, quickly signed by the President, and then immediately declared unconstitutional, 5 killed by a large majority in both the House and Senate).

39. The nation which resigned from the League of Nations late in 1937 was (1 Italy, 2 Germany, 3 Japan, 4 Mexico, 5 Russia).

40. U. S. Ambassador to Germany who made no secret of his dislike of the Nazi regime, and who recently resigned is (1 William E. Dodd, 2 Joseph Davies, 3 Robert Marriner 4 William Bullitt, 5 Sumner Welles).

41. The three nations which are bound in a pact against Communism are (1 Spain, France and Italy, 2 Italy, Japan and Spain, 3 Japan, Italy and Germany, 4 Britain, the U. S.

and France, 5 Germany, Austria and Poland).

42. A new constitution creating a corporate state along fascist lines was recently adopted by (1 Argentina, 2 Brazil, 3 Chile, 4 Colombia, 5 Peru).

43. The two principal figures in the struggle in Germany for control of the economics ministry were (1 Goebbels and Goring, 2 Ley and Rosenberg, 3 Goring and Schacht, 4 Schacht and Goebbels, 5 Rosenberg and Schacht).

44. The three-times Prime Minister of Great Britain who died on a vacation cruise in November was (1 Stanley Baldwin, 2 Walter Runciman, 3 Lloyd George, 4 Ramsay MacDonald, 5 Philip Snowden).

45 During 1937 the Stalin Government in Russia (1 began persecuting the Jews, 2 invented a new system to speed up production, 3 permitted Trotsky to return from exile, 4 abolished the secret political police, 5 executed for treason many prominent Bolsheviks).

46. The United States, British and other foreign embassies and legations in China were forced to move from Nanking to (1 Hankow, 2 Shantung, 3 Peiping, 4 Manchukuo, 5 Canton).

47. The unsuccessful Brussels Conference was called to implement the Nine-Power Treaty which guarantees (1 neutral rights, 2 Europe’s eastern frontiers, 3 the demilitarization of the Rhineland, 4 the naval ratio established by the London Conference of 1930, 5 China’s territorial integrity).

45 A dramatic and unexpected development in the Spanish War came late in 1937 when (1 Generalissimo Franco and his forces seized virtually all of Loyalist Spain, 2 both Germany and Italy withdrew all their support from Rightists, 3 Leftist forces recaptured Teruel, 4 Franco captured Madrid after a long siege, 5 Franco retreated to Barcelona with practically all of his troops).

49. The Nyon Conference in September was called to stop (1 all foreign inter vention in the Spanish war, 2 piratical sinking of ships in the Mediterranean, 3 the i fighting in Spain, 4 the mad European arms race, 5 Japan from devouring all China).

50. U.S. Ambassador to China during the recent war in the Orient has been (1 Joseph C. Crew. 2 Nelson T. Johnson 3 Paul V. Mcnutt 4 Henry L. Stinson5 Huge S. Gibson)

51. Getulio Vargas is (1 Mexico’s President 2 the Rebel dictator of Spain3 Spanish Loyalist Premier 4 dictator of Brazil, 5 Cuba’s Strong Man).

52. Germany’s Ambassador to Great Britain who has worked industriously to effect an Anglo-German alliance is (1 Baron von Neurath, 2 Rudolf Hess, 3 Prince Paul von Bismarck, 4 Joachim von Ribbentrop, 5 Hjalmar Schacht).

53. Japan’s Premier during the Sino-Japanese war has been (1 Koki Hirota, 2 Chiang Kaishek, 3 Senjuro Hayashi, 4 Prince Konoye, 5 Hirohito).

54. Rioting and bloodshed have greeted the efforts of Great Britain to settle the controversy between Arab and Jew in Palestine by (1 granting both factions equal representation in the new grand council, 2 closing all places of worship, 3 partitioning the country into Arab, Jew and British portions, 4 exiling leaders of both hostile groups, 5 setting up a rule by a “Big Three”— one Arab, one Jew, and one Englishman)

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