• U.S.

Religion: Father on Holy Father

1 minute read

In 1932 Rev. James R. Cox. Roman Catholic priest of Pittsburgh, led a “jobless army” to Washington, announced himself a candidate for President on the “Jobless Party” ticket (TIME, Jan. 18, 1932 et seq.). Round-faced Father Cox visited Rome, attempted to use the Vatican as a sounding-board for his candidacy after gaining entry to one of the Pope’s large, public audiences. The priest was speedily disavowed. Last week at Castel Gandolfo, papal summer home. Father Cox once more gained audience with 80-year-old Pius XI, along with some 1,200 other pilgrims. After the audience, Father Cox did not report the Pope in good health, as U. S. Catholic notables almost invariably do. With newsworthy candor he said: “Today it seemed to me he was in constant pain and needed considerable effort to take the few steps to the throne. What grieved me most was the constant trembling of his mouth and the weakness of his voice when he imparted the blessing. . . . I am happy that I saw the Holy Father again as I fear that he may hardly live another year.”

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