• U.S.

Miscellany, May 10, 1937

2 minute read


In Pine Bluff, Ark., police set a bloodhound and posse on the trail of three youths escaped from the Arkansas Boys Industrial School. Posing as members of the posse, the three passed through Jefferson Springs few days later, accompanied by the bloodhound.


In London, sailing of the S.S. American Farmer was delayed twelve hours when four circus elephants sat down on the wharf, refused to go aboard until an attendant dangled an apple in front of them.


In Bucharest, Rumania, Mme Romano returned from a trip abroad to find that her pet monkey (“intrinsic value”: $112), which she had left in care of Mme Sanatescu, refused to abandon its new home. When Mme Sanatescu insisted that the monkey’s wish to remain with her be respected, Mme Romano sued for alienation of affections.


In Los Angeles, when his house caught fire, the odor of his three goats kept Kris Krivopseh, 50. from smelling smoke. When fire engines belatedly arrived, Kris Krivopseh’s goats playfully butted over firemen every time they stooped to lay hose lines. The house burned to the ground.


Near Nairobi, Kenya Colony, East Africa, a rhinoceros charged an onrushing locomotive, derailed the train. Several passengers were injured, the rhino killed.


In Auburn, N. Y., a humane railroad engineer met a dog on a narrow trestle, stopped his locomotive, backed up to let the dog cross.


In New Orleans, George Kernan, 16, clouted a softball, sadly watched it drop on the tender of a passing locomotive. Next day when the locomotive rumbled past the sandlot on its return run, Fireman John Primaut tossed Batter Kernan a brand new ball.


In Chicago, a boy on a bicycle zigzagged casually along a busy street, preventing honking automobiles from passing him. “Listen, you,” cried Peter Valenchian from one of the cars. “Do you wanta get killed?” Straightway the boy dismounted, strode up to Valenchian’s car, plunged a stiletto into Valenchian’s heart, pedaled away.


In Detroit, Mrs. Violet Crocker was dropped from relief rolls after she had bought a new spring wardrobe, packed up to go to the Coronation.

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