• U.S.

Education: New Presidents

1 minute read

¶ Wells College (women only) in Aurora, N. Y., alma mater of Mrs. Grover Cleveland, last week inducted as its eighth president one of its own trustees, sober, pudgy William Ernest Weld, 55, Presbyterian minister, authority on India. Since 1929 Dr. Weld had been economics professor and dean of the college of the University of Rochester.

¶University of Alabama trustees, searching for a new president to succeed retiring George Hutcheson Denny, last year wrote to Newton Diehl Baker for advice. Replied the onetime Secretary of War: “If your Board could find in Birmingham or elsewhere in Alabama, a lawyer of about 40, of known scholarship, who was willing to begin a new career. . . .” Preparing last week to take up his duties as Alabama’s President Jan. 1, was just such a man, baldish, scholarly Lawyer Richard Clarke Foster, 41, of Tuscaloosa, fourth generation Alabama alumnus.

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