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PORTUGAL: Anti-Red Legion

2 minute read

Twenty thousand Portuguese, fired as faithful Catholics by the anti-Communist exhortations of Pope Pius XI (TIME, Sept. 21 ), last week signed their names on the long roll of a petition, besought the Portuguese Government to let them form an anti-Communist civil militia to be called the Portuguese Legion.

Nothing could have better suited Portugal’s virtual Dictator, sagacious Premier Antonio de Oliveira Salazar. who with Catholic industry has been transhipping arms across Portugal to the White forces of Spain in their war against a Madrid Cabinet all of whose members are to the Holy Father sinners against Mother Church. Announced the Premier: “The Portuguese Government will recognize the Portuguese Legion as a political organization of volunteers destined to organize moral and social resistance against enemies of the Republic and of public order.”

Lisbon tailors promptly patterned a natty uniform for the Legionaries, and the Government announced, “Anyone not a Legionary wearing this garb will be subject to penal prosecution.” Any stalwart Portuguese from 18 to 50 could apply for membership last week, but Legion organizers said that all candidates will be carefully scrutinized, required to take this oath: “I will defend my country and its social order and give my life and property willingly for its Corporative State. I will repudiate and tight Communist doctrines.”

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