• U.S.

Religion: Churches for Sale

1 minute read

In Manhattan last week 47 churches were for sale. This fact became evident only after an advertisement appeared in the Press:

Wanted—To buy a church between East 60th and East 100th Streets. For information call Talmadge 2-3854.

The advertisement had been inserted by Rev. Julius Sathmary, 27, Hungarian-born Lutheran who during the past three years had a congregation near Pittsburgh. He arrived in Manhattan last June to shepherd a congregation of 160 families which has no church of its own. With some cash and the backing of the Lutheran Board of American Missions, Mr. Sathmary & flock made ready to buy one. Of 56 replies to their advertisement, eight offered to sell apartment houses, one a saloon. Mr. Sathmary’s building committee began a painstaking tour of inspection of the other 47.

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