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Foreign News: Ludendorff Agonies

1 minute read

¶”German heathen, age 34, wants job as electrical engineer.”

¶”Exchange of thoughts with heroic, heathen, go-ahead Nordic maiden from the country desired by Germans of same beliefs.”

¶ “Our third heathen boy arrived today. His name shall be: Markwart Erich.”

Such were typical paid advertisements last week in the “agony column” of the latest issue of the anti-Jewish fortnightly Am Heiligen Quell Deutscher Kraft (“At the Holy Well of German Power”), conducted by General Erich Ludendorff who used to rate as a crackpot. Last week a Ludendorff editorial announced that the Jewish people are secretly supporting the Japanese people to launch a war of Asia against Europe, “so that the nations shall tear each other to pieces for the benefit of the Jews.'”

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