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LITTLE ENTENTE: Habsburg Warned

1 minute read

Buxom Mistress Magda Lupescu lent her bullet-proof U. S. sedan to King Carol last week and His Majesty sent it down to Sinaia Station to fetch the Regent of Yugoslavia, esthetic Prince Paul, who arrived by special train from Belgrade. Up for discussion were Archduke Otto’s chances of restoration as Austrian Emperor (TIME, July 15).

During the talk, a long distance call was put through by Prince Paul to Prague. At the other end of the wire Czechoslovak Foreign Minister Dr. Eduard Benes hotly insisted that Rumania and Yugoslavia, which with Czechoslovakia comprise the “Little Entente.” should not waver in their traditional resistance to a Habsburg Restoration.

That all this should have leaked out of King Carol’s closely guarded summer palace was attributed by Rumanians to the fact that businesslike Mme Lupescu will sell anything at a fair price. At the close of last week’s parley. Foreign Minister Nicholas Titulescu of Rumania announced with dignity and menace: “Mobilization of the Little Entente’s armed forces will follow as a matter of course if the [Habsburg] dynasty is re-established in Vienna.”

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