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The one and only four-volume Dictionary of Jewish Atrocities is published in Germany by silver-haired, retired Col. Ulrich Fleischhauer with but one restriction: it can be sold only to members of the Nazi Party. Last week Colonel Fleischhauer turned up in Berne, Switzerland to defend four Swiss Nazis charged with libel for circulating the notorious, forged Protocols of the Elders of Zion (TIME, Nov. 12). Not disconcerted by the fact that the Protocols are forgeries, Colonel Fleischhauer thundered, “They are in the Jewish spirit! Who can deny Jews aspire to that world domination set forth in the Protocols? Jews take world domination by Jews for granted!”

The Socialist judge, Dr. Walter Meyer, a strictly impartial anti-Nazi, permitted Nazi Fleischhauer to orate for two whole days, filling Swiss papers with the greatest volume of anti-Semitic utterance they have ever published.

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