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GERMANY: Supreme Eugenic Courts

3 minute read

A New Year’s present for Mother Nature was packaged last week by Bachelor Adolf Hitler who has said that Nature is unable to cope with modern me.

German surgeons will do the coping Under decrees issued last week and effective Jan 1, the Nazi State, according to Chancellor Hitler’s spokesman, will set to deprive 400,000 “defective” German men & women of their reproductive powers in the next two years.

The new decree makes it the duty of every German doctor to denounce to the Mate any German who seems to be “detective The suspect will then be brought before a “eugenic court” of which 1,700 are set up throughout Germany by the decree. Each court consists of two doctors and a judge. If they decide for sterilization the prisoner can: (1) submit; prove that he has sufficient funds to spend the rest of his life in a sanatorium and proceed to do so; 3) appeal to one of 27 Supreme Eugenic Courts.” From a decision by any of these Supreme Courts there will be no appeal. Germans were warned that reluctant “defectives” will be sterilized by force.

Millions of Germans scanned anxiously the States list of grounds for sterilization: 1) hereditary deafness; 2) hereditary alcoholism; 3) hereditary blindness; 4) St. Vitus’ dance; 5) epilepsy 6) manic-depressive insanity; 7) congenital idiocy; 8) schizophrenia (split personality) and 9) severe physical deformity.

The Government revealed that one of

the tests to be used by the eugenic courts will be common sense questions.” Some of these will be political. What the political questions will be the State would only hint, indicating that they will be designed to reveal “what are the subject’s hopes for the future.” Thus a German Red might be asked what he hopes will happen to the Brown Dictatorship.

Sample non-political questions which the State released as typical: “What is boiling water?” “‘What are the German postage rates?” “Why are houses higher in the cities than in the country?” Any German unable to answer these mild teasers was slated for sterilization.

Though many U. S. eugenists felt last week that the Hitler program is too bold Atlantic City Psychiatrist Dr. Cole Davis called not merely for the sterilization but for the “merciful destruction” of the incurably insane.

In his Christmas address to his College of Cardinals, His Holiness Pope Pius XI hurled from Vatican City a potent reaffirmation of his 1931 Encyclical against sterilization: “That pernicious practice must be condemned. . . . Men are begotten not for earth and time but for heaven and eternity. . . . Public magistrates have no direct power over the bodies of their subjects. . . [to] tamper with the integrity of the body, either for reasons of eugenics or for any other reason.”

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