• U.S.

Medicine: Duke Egg

1 minute read

Duke University, great with wealth, last week produced a contribution to the higher learning—first issue of Character & Personality, a quarterly devoted to psychodiagnostics. Subjects covered include characterology, typology, the biophysical basis of personality, differential and social psychology, psychiatry, psychoanalysis, family studies, heredity, endocrinology, experimental behaviorism, criminology, anthropology, comparative animal psychology.

Godfather of the new specialty is famed Professor William McDougall, 61, social psychologist, whom Harvard enticed from Oxford and Duke enticed from Harvard. Editor of Character & Personality is Dr. Robert Saudek, learned London interpreter of handwriting. Associate editor is Ernest Seeman, manager of Duke University Press and a persistent collaborator —with the late Aviation Pioneer Samuel Langley in experiments on flights of vultures; with Astronomer Harlow Shapley on light rays and energy of insects; with the late Thomas Alva Edison and Louise Guest Rice (Manhattan graphologist) in a system of character analysis.

Among first contributors is Psychologist Carl G. Jung, Freudian apostate, preceptor of the late Mrs. Edith Rockefeller McCormick. Dr. Jung says that Dr. Sigmund Freud’s explanation of neurosis as due to the repression of sexuality is lopsided, that petticoated Victorianism made Dr. Freud think as he does.

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