• U.S.

THE CONGRESS: Makings of the 73rd

1 minute read

California. Either lean, leathery William Gibbs McAdoo or chubby, boyish Tallant Tubbs will be California’s next Senator. Democrat McAdoo, Woodrow Wilson’s Secretary of the Treasury and son-in-law, beat Justus Wardell, longtime friend of Governor Roosevelt, by a 2-to-1 vote for the nomination. Two irreconcilable supporters of Alfred Emanuel Smith were also-rans. To Nominee McAdoo, who gave him his presidential nomination at the Chicago convention, Governor Roosevelt wired: “Congratulations and confident good wishes for a clean Democratic sweep this fall.” Slightly less than half the State’s 1,027,000 registered Democrats participated in the primary.

Slightly more than half of the State’s 1,497,000 registered Republicans retired sepulchral Senator Samuel Shortridge in favor of 35-year-old Tallant Tubbs. Nominee Tubbs, rich San Francisco rope-maker and State Senator, conducted a 20,000-mile campaign by autogyro. He ardently preached Repeal. His friend is Senator Hiram Johnson, longtime enemy of Herbert Hoover. Nominee Tubbs attributed his victory to his interest in sandlot baseball and “the personal touch.” Disinterested observers thought Senator Shortridge, ardent Hooverite, lost because he tried to weasel on Prohibition.

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