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Science: Dr. Einstein to New Jersey

1 minute read

“Nice people, those Americans,” commented Dr. Albert Einstein when he landed in Rotterdam last spring after three months at California Institute of Technology. Last week he let it be known that he was going to spend five months each year with those “nice people,” probably as long as he lives.

He will lecture on theoretical physics at the $5,000,000 Institute for Advanced Study, which Dr. Abraham Flexner is creating in New Jersey. Money providers were Mrs. Felix Fuld and her brother, Louis Bamberger, retired owner of Newark’s great Bamberger Store which he sold to Manhattan’s greater Macy’s.

When Dr. Flexner sounded Dr. Einstein about a stipend for his part-year work, Dr. Einstein named a trifling sum. He will get, according to unofficial information on this delicate professorial topic, several thousand dollars for the five months. He will probably reside in quiet, academic Princeton.

Last week Dr. Einstein was on vacation in Belgium. Immigration men tried to keep him out of the country because they could not understand how he was both a German and a Swiss citizen. Higher officials condoned the dual citizenship, took care that Mrs. Einstein’s real “worry” had a happy time at Spa.

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