• U.S.

Religion: Branigan’s $1

2 minute read

To the Second Congregational Church at Beloit, Wis. three Sundays ago went Edward Robert Branigan, City Councilman. Into the collection plate he dropped $1. As soon as the sermon was over he demanded it back. Preacher Herbert Arthur Studebaker had preached as follows:

“We believe that our lovely city of homes, schools and churches is in the control of unscrupulous men. . .

“We shall never have a decent and clean city administration so long as we elect dishonest men. . . .”

Preacher Studebaker had flayed Beloit’s city government before, inveighing particularly against Councilman Branigan. Last week Councilman Branigan, wise in the ways of publicity, thought of a way to get even. He announced he would sue Mr. Studebaker for $1, under the law against obtaining money under false pretenses. Said he: “He made a political speech when the congregation were led to expect a sermon. When a minister of the gospel pronounces himself the ambassador of God, inveigles me into his church … to hear the word of God preached, which undoubtedly my soul needs very much, and then delivers a political oration instead, which I heard many times in the past and expect to hear many times in the future, I feel he has obtained my money under false pretenses.”

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