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GERMANY: Trotsky Against Hitler

2 minute read

Not a German week passes without blood-spilling between Adolf Hitler’s bludgeon-swinging Fascists and their brick-throwing enemies, the German Communists. To cheer the Fatherland’s Red battlers last week came a message from TROTSKY, a clarion call to more and better brick-throwing from Russia’s great exile, banished by STALIN to Turkey (TIME, March u, 1929).

“What are the Hitlerites but human dust?” asked Leon Trotsky in a manifesto to German Reds. “Their vain chat ter about ‘Social Fascism’ . . . their empty imitation of real Fascism . . . should fill every German Communist with contempt!”

Flaying the “empty phrases and wheedling” of some German Communist leaders, Comrade Trotsky summoned the Redrank & file to sweep “Hitler dust” out of Germany by yet more furious efforts. Lest German Communists grow discouraged and be taken in by the pre tensions of Enemy Hitler who already talks as if he were sure to become Ger man Chancellor. Exile Trotsky warned: “In every war the enemy tries to exaggerate its strength to impress the enemy. Hitler is just as good a braggart as Napoleon was. but his pretensions will be come true only the minute that the proletariat takes faith in them.” Orating two days later to his Fascist followers at Munich, Leader Hitler flayed as “tools of Bolshevism” the Roman Catholics and German bourgeoisie who op pose him.

“The bourgeoisie,” roared Handsome Adolf, “do not seem to realize that Bol shevism is shaking the foundations of civilization. Victory for Bolshevism would mean the endof all — including religion — and a relapse into barbarism. If our movement were wiped out today Germany would be Bolshevist tomorrow!

“On to victory.” concluded Haranguer Hitler. “Comrades, we march into 1932 as fighters so that we may leave it as victors! . . . Long live our ever beloved German people! . . . On to victory like knights without fear or blame we will charge—through Hell, Death and Damna-tion!”

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