• U.S.

Business: Violet Ray

2 minute read

In the Saturday Evening Post recently appeared a humorous story about an advertising agent who tried to sell a chocolate-maker the idea of advertising that his candy contained violet rays. Recent too have been stories that the Saturday Evening Post is contemplating a break with its tradition by the acceptance of cigaret advertising; that the Satevepost was turned down by American Tobacco Co. because of copy limitations imposed upon it.

Last week tobacco tycoons were discussing an advertising campaign about to be launched by American Tobacco Co., and advertising men, looking at the current Lucky Strike advertisements, realized that soon these puffing fat shadows will no longer be trying to leap, dive and run so that all may see and beware.

American Tobacco says it has a new process: subjecting tobacco to a violet ray treatment. Whether other companies will find such a process necessary in order to keep their tobacco of equal standard is not yet disclosed. American Tobacco’s new advertising will be signed testimonials from the greatest tycoons. They will not endorse Luckies, but will praise the business acumen and scientific leadership which led American Tobacco to its great violet ray discovery. In each testimonial the inference will be clear that the endorser’s own business possesses qualities comparable to American Tobacco’s, is a leader.

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