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Religion: Norway’s 9th Centenary

1 minute read

This year is the 1900th anniversary of the Christian Church (TIME, June 16), the 400th anniversary of the Augsburg Confession. Last week began at Trondhjem celebrations marking the 900th anniversary of Christianity’s acceptance in Norway.

Forcibly Christianized were the big blond Norwegian Vikings. Russian-reared Olaf Tryggvessön (969-1000) sailed into Norway, overthrew its ruler, made himself King. Then he began the country’s conversion to the religion which he himself had not long held. In 1015 Olaf (“The Fat”) Haraldsson (995-1030) similarly obtained dominion, made all Norwegians Christians, reigned with cunning and cruelty 14 years. Then discontented nobles forced him to flee, killed him when he tried to return. But after miracles were worked at his tomb, his misdeeds were forgotten. Olaf the Warrior became Norway’s patron saint, canonized in 1164.

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