Lincoln’s 41

2 minute read

Lincoln’s 41

Lincoln, capital of Nebraska, has two claims to esthetic distinction: 1) Its capitol building, last work of the late great Architect Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue, is surely a piece of the world’s greatest modern architecture. 2) Its symphony orchestra exists unaided by great-hearted guarantors and, miraculously, without deficit. Last week the Lincoln players gave the first concert of their fourth season. Again Rudolph Seidl, onetime oboist in the Minneapolis Symphony, conducted his 40 colleagues, all of whom receive union wages. Again there will be given four Sunday afternoon concerts sponsored by the junior division of the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce.

Sanitarian Puccini

The House of Ricordi, Italian music publishers, has always zealously guarded the operas entrusted to it by the late Composer Giacomo Puccini. Feeling that radio was unqualified to do them artistic justice, the Ricordis have kept the Puccini operas off the air. Last week, however, the ban was lifted and beginning Saturday evening. Nov. 16, a series of six condensed versions will go on the U. S. air—to advertise American Radiator and Standard Sanitary Corp.— Madame Butterfly will be first, with Conductor Gennaro Papi, Soprano Frances Alda. Contralto Merle Alcock. Tenors Mario Chamlee and Alfred O’Shea. Baritone Pasquale Amato. Tosca will be presented in December, The Girl of the Golden West in January, Manon Lescaut in February, the so-called tryptich (Il Tabarro, Suor Angelica, Gianni Schicchi) in March, La Boheme in April. Deems Taylor, musical handyman, will explain the stories. George Maxwell, U. S. Ricordi representative, will bend a supervising ear.

*WEAF (N. Y.) and associated stations.

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