• U.S.

Sport: Cream Sauce Deferred

1 minute read

North Atlantic codfish frolicked free last week, their doom of cream sauce deferred, while four of Gloucester’s fleetest fishing schooners were racing inshore to settle old rivalries. Gloucester folk, proud of their schooners, enthusiastic about this race of the last genuine U. S. sailing ships, had donated $20,000 to recondition canvas and repay owners for lost fish. Thousands lined the shore to watch the stanch, full-rigged craft course twice around an 18-mile triangle into the harbor. In the first two races, gentle inshore winds were insufficient to drive the schooners to the finish within the time limit. In the third, little Portuguese-American Progress gradually overcame Capt. Ben Pine’s big Arthur D. Story until on the last lap, tacking along inshore close to the Cape Ann rocks, it skirmished into the lead to win. The losers, unwilling to give up another day’s fishing, conceded to Capt. Manuel Domingos of the Progress the $2,150 prize money, the Prentiss Trophy, one leg on the Davis Trophy. The stalwart, suntanned helmsman of the Progress: Prof. George Owen of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, saltwater friend of the Secretary of the Navy, father of Harvard’s famed all-round athlete (George Owen Jr., 1923).

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