• U.S.

Business: Bigness

1 minute read

The biggest bank in the country as everybody knows is the National City Bank of New York with resources of over $2.000,000,000. Second largest is the Guaranty Trust Co. Last week the third largest brought forth statistics to show that it was the largest of all—by another scale of measurement.

Merger of the National Park Bank and Chase National Bank of New York(TIME, June 24) went into effect. Celebrating the event, the merged bank (Chase National), now having 31 offices, three abroad and 28 in New York City, announced that it now has $242,069,453 of capital funds (surplus and undivided profits).

The following table shows the comparative size of the Big Three by assets and by capital, the figures for Chase being as of the completion of the merger, for the others as of June 29. Capital of associated securities companies (whose undivided profits are not disclosed) is not included.

Bank Capital Funds Resources Chase National.$242,069,453 $1,497,876,996 National City . .$235,260,406 $2,062,400,220 Guaranty Trust. .$186,418,167 $1,556,010,960

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