• U.S.

Religion: Attorney into Priest

1 minute read

Many persons of small faith have said to themselves: “Now that I am very ill and not likely to be made whole by the ministrations of leeches, I shall say a prayer. If I recover, it will be because my prayer has been granted and therefore I shall proclaim the existence of God to be an established fact and shall praise and magnify Him forever.”

Unlike most who have made this covenant with God, Robert J. White, Massachusetts district attorney, remembered it after he recovered from an operation last year. With the dark hysteria of fever forgotten, he still could sense the hot languor of his sickroom, he still could feel the curious animation which had come when he handled the holy relic a priest had brought him. Yet he hesitated to fulfill his obligation until, when his mother died, he felt that God was frowning at him for forgetting a miracle.

So last week he resigned as district attorney, planned immediately to begin studies which will enable him to be a priest.

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