• U.S.


24 minute read


Population (1994): 7,070,000 (up 6.6% from 1990); 2.7% of U.S. total

Voting-age pop.: 5,364,000; 1994 turnout, 28%

Median age: 33.1 years

Median household income: $30,114 ($2,150 below U.S. median)

Unemployment: 4.4% (1.2% below U.S. average, March 1996)

Last presidential election: Clinton (D): 43% Bush (R): 43% Perot (I): 14%

Congressional delegation: Four Democrats, 10 Republicans

North Carolina remains a symbol of the “new South,” with good economic growth and low unemployment. Population influx in the ’80s gave the state its first new House seat in 60 years, but racial gerrymandering–and some baiting–also make the state a political hotbed. This year all eyes are on Harvey Gantt’s second attempt to replace Jesse Helms in the Senate.


BORN: Jan. 14, 1943, Charleston, S.C. EDUCATION: Clemson U, B.A., 1965; M.I.T., M.A., 1970 FAMILY: Wife, Lucinda Brawley; four children RELIGION: Baptist MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: Architect POLITICAL CAREER: Charlotte City Council, 1975-79, mayor, 1983-87; Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate, 1990

ADDRESS: P.O. Box 35555, Charlotte 28235. Tel.: 704-376-3293

After losing a close one in 1990–by just six points–Gantt gets a second shot at the state’s senior Senator. Pushing health care, education and economic security with an inspirational style, he should do no worse than last time–and could do much better, if public distaste for G.O.P. governance washes off on Jesse Helms.


Budget NO Medicare NO Defense NO Abortion NO Guns YES Gays NR Bosnia NO NAFTA YES Welfare YES National Service YES (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)

QUOTE OF NOTE: “Let us go about the business, as Democrats, of trying to restore the American dream to average working families in this state.”


BORN: Oct. 18, 1921, Monroe EDUCATION: Wingate College, 1938-39; Wake Forest U, 1939-40 FAMILY: Wife, Dorothy Jane; three children RELIGION: Baptist MILITARY: Navy, 1942-45 OCCUPATION: Journalist; broadcasting executive POLITICAL CAREER: Raleigh City Council, 1957-61; U.S. Senate, 1972- ADDRESS: P.O. Box 20699, Raleigh 27619. Tel.: 919-571-1996

At 75, Helms is both a charming Southern gentleman and a sharp-tongued, dedicated foe of those who cross him. His rural, religious archconservatism is the product of an older North Carolina, but 345,000 people have settled in the state since 1990–perhaps blunting the political effectiveness of Helms’ controversial verve.


Budget YES Medicare NO Defense NR Abortion NO Guns NO Gays NO Bosnia YES NAFTA NO Welfare NO* National Service NO (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)

QUOTE OF NOTE: “We must return fiscal sanity to the Federal Government and discard the foolish notion that all problems can be solved by more intrusive government programs and yet more spending.”

EVA CLAYTON (D) District 1 (East–parts of Rocky Mount, Fayetteville and Greenville)

BORN: Sept. 16, 1934, Savannah, Ga. EDUCATION: Johnson C. Smith U., B.S., 1955; North Carolina Central U., M.S., 1962; U. of North Carolina, 1967 FAMILY: Husband, Theaoseus; four children RELIGION: Presbyterian MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: Consulting-firm owner POLITICAL CAREER: Sought Democratic nomination for U.S. House, 1968; North Carolina Assistant Secretary of Natural Resources, 1977-81; U.S. House, 1992- ADDRESS: P.O. Box 479, Warrenton 27589. Tel.: 919-257-3195

The first African-American woman to represent North Carolina on Capitol Hill this century, Clayton was voted Most Influential Newcomer her first term and remains an advocate for the working people of her black-majority district.


Budget NO Medicare NO Defense YES Abortion NO Guns YES Gays NO Bosnia NO NAFTA NO Welfare NO Medical Leave YES (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)

QUOTE OF NOTE: “It is discouraging for citizens to work full time and see their earnings go down while corporate profits and executive salaries continue to go up.”

TED TYLER (R) District 1

BORN: July 10, 1935, Rich Square EDUCATION: Wake Forest U., B.A., 1974 FAMILY: Wife, Kathryn; three children RELIGION: Baptist MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: Pharmaceutical-sales representative POLITICAL CAREER: Rich Square town council, 1979-81, mayor, 1983-93; Republican nominee for U.S. House, 1992, 1994 ADDRESS: P.O. Box 646, Rich Square 27869. Tel.: 919-539-2410

Tyler, a conservative Republican, has been trying to beat Eva Clayton since 1992, when he was mayor of Rich Square. Though he’s against what he sees as politics as usual, he is a loyal proponent of the traditional platform points of his party: no Big Government, individual accountability, tax reform and a first-rate military that is never under U.N. control.


Budget YES Medicare YES Defense NO Abortion NR Guns NO Gays YES Bosnia YES NAFTA NO Welfare YES Medical Leave NO (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)

QUOTE OF NOTE: “Every city, county and the North Carolina state government must by law balance its budget. The Federal Government should do the same. A balanced-budget amendment is a must.”

BOB ETHERIDGE (D) District 2 (North Central–parts of Durham and Rocky Mount)

BORN: Aug. 7, 1941; Sampson County EDUCATION: Campbell U., B.S., 1965 FAMILY: Wife, Faye; three children RELIGION: Presbyterian MILITARY: Army 1965-67 OCCUPATION: Businessman, part-time farmer POLITICAL CAREER: Harnett County Board of Commissioners 1972-76; state Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1988, 1992; North Carolina House, 1978-86 ADDRESS: P.O. Drawer 1059, Lillington 27546. Tel.: 919-571-9990

Not a political novice, Etheridge nevertheless has an uphill trek to Capitol Hill against a well-connected incumbent in a district of Jessecrats. Etheridge’s focus is on the environment, education and children. He worries especially about worker safety, wages and rights.


Budget NR Medicare NR Defense NR Abortion NR Guns NR Gays NR Bosnia NR NAFTA NR Welfare NR Medical Leave NR (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)

QUOTE OF NOTE: “That’s the difference between David Funderburk and myself: I’m working with parents, students and teachers to improve our schools, and he’s up in Washington cutting education every chance he gets.”


BORN: April 28, 1944, Langley Field, Va. EDUCATION: Wake Forest U., B.A., 1967, M.A., 1967; U. of South Carolina, Ph.D., 1971 FAMILY: Wife, Betty Jo; two children RELIGION: Baptist MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: Professor POLITICAL CAREER: Sought Republican nomination for U.S. Senate, 1986; U.S. House, 1994- ADDRESS: 121 East Cumberland Avenue, Dunn 28335. Tel.: 910-891-1994

Funderburk, a protege of Jesse Helms and a former Ambassador to Romania, is the first Republican to win the Second District this century. Like Helms, Funderburk thinks food stamps are wasteful–as is aid to countries that are not our friends. Democrats determined to get their seat back hope that the 1995 flap over an auto accident–the Congressman pleaded no contest to running a truck off the road–will derail him.


Budget YES Medicare YES Defense NO Abortion YES Guns NO Gays NO Bosnia YES NAFTA NO Welfare YES Medical Leave NO (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)

QUOTE OF NOTE: “The breakdown of families and the disregard of moral values are at the very root of our economic woes.”

WALTER JONES JR. (R) District 3 (East–Goldsboro; part of Greenville; Outer Banks)

BORN: Feb. 10, 1943, Farmville EDUCATION: Atlantic Christian College, A.B., 1967 FAMILY: Wife, Joe Anne; one child RELIGION: Roman Catholic MILITARY: North Carolina National Guard, 1967-71 OCCUPATION: Small-business owner POLITICAL CAREER: North Carolina House, 1983-93; sought Democratic nomination for U.S. House, 1992; U.S. House, 1994- ADDRESS: 1516 Southeast Greenville Boulevard, No. 2, Greenville 27858. Tel.: 919-353-4020

Jones crossed over to the G.O.P. when he lost the Democratic nomination for Congress in 1992–and is staying on the horse he rode in on: he opposes tax increases on tobacco, a staple of his district’s economy; he’s for reforming Medicare and Medicaid but vows to protect senior citizens; and he opposes congressional pay hikes.


Budget YES Medicare YES Defense NO Abortion YES Guns NR Gays NR Bosnia YES NAFTA NR Welfare YES Medical Leave NR (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)

QUOTE OF NOTE: “The web of federal programs costs over $120 billion per year to educate citizens on everything from the disposal of boat sewage to citizenship…Money spent on redundant programs is money not spent on our children.”


BORN: June 28, 1956, Kinston EDUCATION: Gupton-Jones College, diploma in mortuary science, 1977 FAMILY: Single RELIGION: Methodist MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: Jewelry-store owner; political aide POLITICAL CAREER: None ADDRESS: P.O. Box 2765, Atlantic Beach 28519. Tel.: 919-240-0003

Parrott used to work for Walter Jones but broke with him in a loan dispute and now hints he knows some secrets about his opponent. Still, Parrott says he’s not running for spite and won’t let personal animus dictate the debate, which he says should focus on education, health care and the environment. He believes that if we could eliminate government fraud and tax breaks for the rich, there would be abundance for the poor, the young and the elderly.


Budget NO Medicare NO Defense YES Abortion NR Guns YES Gays NO Bosnia YES NAFTA YES Welfare NO Medical Leave YES (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)

QUOTE OF NOTE: “Social Security is not an entitlement. It’s something that we’re taxed on, and it’s something that working people have a right to.”

FRED HEINEMAN (R) District 4 (Central–Raleigh; Chapel Hill)

BORN: Dec. 28, 1929, New York City EDUCATION: Westchester Community College, A.A.S, 1960; St. Francis College, B.B.A., 1970; John Jay College, M.A., 1975 FAMILY: Wife, Linda; five children RELIGION: Lutheran MILITARY: Marines, 1951-54 OCCUPATION: Chief of police POLITICAL CAREER: U.S. House, 1994- ADDRESS: P.O. Box 19609, Raleigh 27619. Tel.: 919-881-9552

Winning re-election may not be a cakewalk for former Raleigh police chief Heineman, but he is reviving his anti-crime talk–not all of it tough–for the battle with Price. Heineman believes in adding prisons rather than cops, but says education can prevent youth from turning to crime. He wants mandatory education through age 18 and vocational training for those who eschew college.


Budget YES Medicare YES Defense YES Abortion YES Guns NR Gays NR Bosnia YES NAFTA NR Welfare YES Medical Leave NR (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)

QUOTE OF NOTE: “It’s very simple. Put criminals in jail and keep them there.”

DAVID PRICE (D) District 4

BORN: Aug. 17, 1940, Erwin, Tenn. EDUCATION: U of North Carolina, B.A., 1961; Yale U, B.D., 1964, Ph.D., 1969. FAMILY: Wife, Lisa; two children RELIGION: Baptist MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: Professor POLITICAL CAREER: North Carolina Democratic Party chairman, 1983-84; U.S. House, 1986-94 ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1986, Raleigh 27602. Tel.: 919-829-3854

After four terms in the House, Price lost his seat to Fred Heineman by only 1,215 votes. But after two years away from Washington, he says he has a better understanding of the growing restlessness among some voters, including their concern that Heineman–whose Congressional salary is $133,000–calls himself “lower middle class.” A good turnout at the polls next week could be Price’s ticket back to Congress.

THE ISSUES Budget NO Medicare NO Defense YES Abortion NR Guns YES Gays YES Bosnia NR NAFTA YES Welfare NR Medical Leave yes (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)

QUOTE OF NOTE: “There’s nobody in this part of North Carolina that hasn’t known somebody downsized, somebody whose company has laid off people, people who thought they had secure situations.”

RICHARD BURR (R) District 5 (Northwest–part of Winston-Salem)

BORN: Nov. 30, 1955, Charlottesville, Va. EDUCATION: Wake Forest U, B.A., 1978 FAMILY: Wife, Brooke; two children RELIGION: Presbyterian MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: Marketing manager POLITICAL CAREER: Republican nominee for U.S. House, 1992; U.S. House, 1994- ADDRESS: P.O. Box 5732, Winston-Salem 27113. Tel.: 910-777-1170

Burr couldn’t steal the Fifth from Democrat Stephen Neal in 1992, but won it on Neal’s 1994 retirement. How firm his hold now is–it was a Democratic district for 20 years before Burr arrived–may depend on local distaste for President Clinton’s 1993 75-cents-a-pack cigarette-tax proposal. Burr’s defense of the embattled tobacco industry is a winner here in R.J. Reynolds’ backyard.


Budget YES Medicare YES Defense YES Abortion YES Guns NO Gays YES Bosnia NO NAFTA YES Welfare YES Medical Leave NO (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)

QUOTE OF NOTE: “It is the responsibility of Congress to fulfill our commitment to this country’s seniors and initiate Medicare reform making this program financially sound now and in the years to come.”

NEIL CASHION JR. (D) District 5

BORN: Feb. 19, 1947, North Wilkesboro EDUCATION: Wilkes Community College, 1978; Forsyth Technical Institute, 1979 FAMILY: Wife, Brenda; three children RELIGION: Presbyterian MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: State official; insurance agent. POLITICAL CAREER: North Wilkesboro town commissioner, 1979-81, 1994-; mayor, 1982-93; mayoral candidate, 1993 ADDRESS: P.O. Box 21163, Winston-Salem 27120. Tel.: 910-667-7824

Cashion, with plenty of campaign experience, is poised to take a shot at one-term incumbent Richard Burr. A sign of his political savvy, he boasts that he is a small businessman–as part owner of a nursing home–attuned to average people’s concerns and points to the day care he provides to mothers on his payroll.


Budget NO Medicare NO Defense YES Abortion NO Guns YES Gays YES Bosnia NO NAFTA YES Welfare NO Medical Leave yes (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)

QUOTE OF NOTE: “I will not vote to gut the hard-won environment gains of the past two years. I will not vote to gut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.”

HOWARD COBLE (R) District 6 (Central–part of Greensboro)

BORN: March 18, 1931, Greensboro EDUCATION: Guilford College, A.B., 1958; U of North Carolina, J.D., 1962 FAMILY: Single RELIGION: Presbyterian MILITARY: Coast Guard, 1952-56; Coast Guard Reserve, 1960-81 OCCUPATION: Attorney POLITICAL CAREER: North Carolina House, 1969; secretary, North Carolina Department of Revenue, 1973-77; North Carolina House, 1979-83; U.S. House, 1984- ADDRESS: P.O. Box 177, Greensboro 27402. Tel.: 910-333-5005

Coble thinks cushy perks, cost-of-living allowances and soft pensions for government officials are a slap in the face to struggling families–and puts his money where his mouth is by not participating in the House pension plan. With 30,000 of his constituents holding down factory jobs, Coble’s populism doesn’t hurt: he has won handily in three elections, carrying at least 62% of the vote in each.


Budget YES Medicare YES Defense YES Abortion YES Guns NO Gays YES Bosnia YES NAFTA YES Welfare YES Medical Leave NO (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)

QUOTE OF NOTE: “A lot of [House members] are fat, a lot are soft and a lot are sitting around waiting for their pensions.”

MARK COSTLEY (D) District 6

BORN: June 12, 1960, Stillwater, Okla. EDUCATION: Duke U, A.B., 1982, J.D., 1985 FAMILY: Wife, Margaret Van Schoick; one child RELIGION: Presbyterian MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: Lawyer POLITICAL CAREER: None ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1267, Greensboro, 27402. Tel.: 910-379-8888

Costley believes that the American Dream can be reinvigorated if families have economic security, reliable health care and, most of all, education. A good education, he says, is a person’s only hope of bettering himself or herself. In a land where a ceo now makes 190 times more than an average worker, Costley believes we lose our greatest source of national pride. But good ideas from a candidate with no experience may still leave Costley with a tough race.


Budget NO Medicare NO Defense YES Abortion NO Guns YES Gays NO Bosnia NO NAFTA YES Welfare NO Medical Leave YES (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)

QUOTE OF NOTE: “Patriotism at home calls for an agenda that reaches beyond problem solving and contemplates a better future. I envision an America in which everyone can succeed.”

BILL CASTER (R) District 7 (Southeast–part of Fayetteville)

BORN: June 29, 1940, Santa Fe, N. Mex. EDUCATION: U.S. Coast Guard Academy, B.S., 1963; U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, M.S., 1969; Golden Gate U, M.B.A., 1976, M.P.A., 1984 FAMILY: Wife, Diane; two children RELIGION: Methodist MILITARY: Coast Guard, 1958-90 OCCUPATION: Naval Officer; sporting-goods-company executive POLITICAL CAREER: New Hanover County commissioner, 1992- ADDRESS: 310 Brookshire Lane, Wilmington 28409. Tel.: 910-762-2133

With the resignation of Democrat Charlie Rose, the G.O.P. senses a chance to grab another Southern seat, and Caster has found a good issue: tobacco. Opponent Mike McIntyre says he’s on the side of tobacco, but Caster counters with the specter of Clinton’s threats to tax the industry further.


Budget YES Medicare YES Defense NR Abortion NR Guns NO Gays NO Bosnia NO NAFTA YES Welfare YES Medical Leave NO (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)

QUOTE OF NOTE: “I pay my employees more than minimum wage. I pay them as much as I can, and I don’t want the Federal Government telling me what to do.”

MIKE MCINTYRE (D) District 7

BORN: Aug. 6, 1956, Lumberton EDUCATION: U of North Carolina, B.A., 1978, J.D., 1981 FAMILY: Wife, Dee Strickland; two children RELIGION: Presbyterian MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: Lawyer POLITICAL CAREER: None ADDRESS: 109 North Court Square, P.O. Box 1, Lumberton 28359. Tel.: 910-738-5277

Both McIntyre and the Democrats are hoping his fresh, conservative face will appeal to a constituency that just lost 24-year incumbent Charlie Rose to resignation. While Caster is a “city boy”–he lives in Wilmington–who’s lived in the state for only five years, McIntyre stresses that he comes from grass-roots farming people with a 200-year history in North Carolina. Both candidates are anti-Big Government and take the same stand on many issues. The race may come down to whose campaign has the most money and how the Seventh District feels about Bill Clinton.


Budget NO Medicare NO Defense NO Abortion YES Guns NR Gays NO Bosnia NO NAFTA NR Welfare YES Medical Leave YES (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)

QUOTE OF NOTE: “A leader must do his job with effectiveness, or he is useless to those who have entrusted him with responsibility.”

CURTIS BLACKWOOD (R) District 8 (S. Central–Kannapolis; part of Fayetteville)

BORN: Oct. 17, 1942, Charlotte EDUCATION: U of Georgia, B.A., 1965; Ohio U, M.A., 1967; U of Georgia, Ph.D., 1972 FAMILY: Wife, Audrey; two children RELIGION: Methodist MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: Property manager POLITICAL CAREER: None ADDRESS: P.O. Box 374, Indian Trail 28079. Tel.: 704-845-2827

In the past year, Blackwood has visited 10,000 homes, extolling the importance of balancing the budget and strengthening American families. Like many conservatives, he would start with the tax system, criticizing what he considers an unfair burden on married people that discourages family formation. He promises to go after the thousands of pages of government regulations that he says burden the citizen, and cut taxes and spending. Though Blackwood, a former teacher, has never held public office, he won his primary with 64% of the vote.


Budget YES Medicare NR Defense NO Abortion YES Guns YES Gays NO Bosnia YES NAFTA YES Welfare YES Medical Leave NR (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)

QUOTE OF NOTE: “I support traditional families…the heart and soul of our nation’s moral fiber.”

W.G. HEFNER (D) District 8

BORN: April 11, 1930, Elora, Tenn. EDUCATION: Sardis High School, graduated 1948 FAMILY: Wife, Nancy Hill; two children RELIGION: Baptist MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: Broadcasting executive POLITICAL CAREER: U.S. House, 1974- ADDRESS: P.O. Box 3016, Concord 28025. Tel.: 704-795-7680

The G.O.P. has targeted Hefner as the most vulnerable incumbent in the state, but this 11-term veteran fought off the Republican revolution in 1994 and seems up to this year’s challenge. The Eighth is increasingly right-wing, but Hefner has always been conservative. A former gospel singer, he shares the religious concerns of his Bible-Belt district, and as chair of the Military Construction Subcommittee, he has fought to improve the standard of living for the state’s large military community.


Budget NO Medicare NO Defense NO Abortion YES Guns YES Gays YES Bosnia NO NAFTA YES Welfare NO* Medical Leave YES (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)

QUOTE OF NOTE: “Nobody wants to do business as usual, and that is the standard cry around here. We do not need to do business as usual. We certainly need to make some changes.”

MICHEL DAISLEY (D) District 9 (West central–part of Charlotte)

BORN: Dec. 9, 1955, Columbia, S.C. EDUCATION: Davidson College, B.A., 1978; U of North Carolina, J.D., 1985 FAMILY: Wife, Susan Leah; one child RELIGION: Episcopalian MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: Lawyer POLITICAL CAREER: North Carolina Democratic Party executive committee, 1993-94 ADDRESS: P.O. Box 32833, Charlotte 28232. Tel.: 704-525-4846

Though the Ninth is Republican, Daisley’s strategy is to paint his opponent as a radical “Gingrichite.” Who, he asks, would repeal the assault-weapons ban, when more children die from guns every week than in the Oklahoma bombing? And who would cut Head Start when nearly 25% of preschoolers live in poverty? Sue Myrick would, says Daisley. Yes, spending must be cut, he believes, but children should come first.


Budget NO Medicare NO Defense YES Abortion NO Guns YES Gays YES Bosnia NO NAFTA YES Welfare NO Medical Leave YES (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)

QUOTE OF NOTE: “There are times when sitting on the sidelines is simply not an option. With so many vital issues at stake, this election year is such a time for me.”

SUE MYRICK (R) District 9

BORN: Aug. 1, 1941, Tiffin, Ohio EDUCATION: Heidelberg College, 1959-60 FAMILY: Husband, Ed; two children; three stepchildren RELIGION: Methodist MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: Advertising executive POLITICAL CAREER: Charlotte city council, 1983-85, mayor, 1987-91; sought Republican nomination for U.S. Senate, 1992; U.S. House, 1994- ADDRESS: P.O. Box 37091, Charlotte 28237. Tel.: 704-332-5200

The 1992 redistricting siphoned more Democrats out of the Ninth, adding to the 30-year G.O.P. dominance of the district and ensuring a Myrick victory. Waving off accusations that the G.O.P. agenda is too harsh, Myrick says it’s what her district sent her to do and continues to support the Contract with America, the death penalty and doubling sentences for crimes against children and the elderly.


Budget YES Medicare YES Defense YES Abortion YES Guns NR Gays NR Bosnia YES NAFTA NR Welfare YES Medical Leave NR (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)

QUOTE OF NOTE: “My style is very simple: to be blunt.”

CASS BALLENGER (R) District 10 (West–Hickory; Lincolnton)

BORN: Dec. 6, 1926, Hickory EDUCATION: Amherst College, B.A., 1948 FAMILY: Wife, Donna; three children RELIGION: Episcopalian MILITARY: Navy Air Corps, 1944-45 OCCUPATION: Plastics-packaging-company executive POLITICAL CAREER: Catawba County board of commissioners, 1966-74, chair, 1970-74; North Carolina House, 1975-77; North Carolina Senate, 1977-86; U.S. House, 1986- ADDRESS: P.O. Box 2552, Hickory 28603. Tel.: 704-327-4195

Ballenger, a conservative who built his company into a 250-employee operation, opposes all threats to small business. At times called an enemy of the working man, he has fought stronger workplace-safety laws and opposed a bill to protect workers who strike for better pay. But he also backs the tobacco and textile industries in his district, which earns him strong support.


Budget YES Medicare YES Defense YES Abortion YES Guns NO Gays YES Bosnia YES NAFTA YES Welfare YES Medical Leave NO (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)

QUOTE OF NOTE: “High taxes discourage risk takers from expanding businesses, hiring new employees or starting new businesses.”

BEN NEILL (D) District 10

BORN: May 21, 1930, Yadkin County EDUCATION: Wake Forest U, B.A., 1959 FAMILY: Wife, Ann; one child RELIGION: Methodist MILITARY: Army, 1950-54 OCCUPATION: Teacher POLITICAL CAREER: Mayor of East Bend, 1965-75, 1983-85; Democratic nominee for U.S. House, 1992 ADDRESS: P.O. Box 247, 305 West Main Street, East Bend 27018. Tel.: 910-699-2527

Neill, a die-hard Democrat, says the G.O.P. is about money, while his party is about people. He emphasizes the importance of helping every citizen reach a minimum standard of living, softening violent changes in economic cycles and working toward full employment. This is his second run against Ballenger, whom Neill blasts for his stance against wage increases, social reforms and OSHA.


Budget NO Medicare NR Defense YES Abortion NO Guns YES Gays YES Bosnia NR NAFTA NR Welfare NO Medical Leave YES (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)

QUOTE OF NOTE: “A minimum-wage worker receives annual pay of just $8,500. Representative Ballenger earns that much in 16 days of playing Congressman.”

JAMES FERGUSON (D) District 11 (West–Asheville)

BORN: Feb. 22, 1938, Fines Creek EDUCATION: North Carolina State U, 1956-57 FAMILY: Divorced; seven children RELIGION: Baptist MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: Agribusiness POLITICAL CAREER: North Carolina Soil and Water Conservation Commission, 1967-; Haywood County school board, 1970-74, 1982-1990; Chair, Southwestern North Carolina Resource Conservation and Development Council, 1995- ADDRESS: Route 3, Box 43, Clyde 28721. Tel.: 704-627-6458

Ferguson, a quiet candidate who has made few waves against a strong incumbent, sports a cowboy hat and says he understands his fellow residents’ strong mountain values. Ferguson could be helped, in this district of tourism and parks, with his solid conservationist credentials.


Budget NO Medicare NO Defense NO Abortion NO Guns NO Gays YES Bosnia NO NAFTA YES Welfare NO Medical Leave YES (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)

QUOTE OF NOTE: “Historically, the mountains of North Carolina have shown a fiercely independent political streak and, as a longtime leader in agriculture conservation and education, I mirror that mind-set.”

CHARLES TAYLOR (R) District 11

BORN: Jan. 23, 1941, Brevard EDUCATION: Wake Forest U, B.A., 1963, J.D., 1966 FAMILY: Wife, Elizabeth; three children RELIGION: Baptist MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: Tree farmer; banker POLITICAL CAREER: North Carolina House, 1967-73, minority leader, 1969-71; North Carolina Senate, 1973-75, minority leader, 1973-75; Republican nominee for U.S. House, 1988; U.S. House, 1990- ADDRESS: 8 South Market Street, P.O. Box 2355, Asheville 28801. Tel.: 704-251-0555

Taylor is a three-term incumbent in a district that changed party hands five times between 1980 and 1992. This millionaire tree farmer earned kudos by donating his salary hikes to district charities, though frugality hasn’t stopped him from snagging federal largesse via his seat on the Appropriations Committee.


Budget YES Medicare YES Defense NO Abortion YES Guns NO Gays YES Bosnia YES NAFTA NO Welfare YES Medical Leave NO (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)

QUOTE OF NOTE: [On block grants] “[They place] power in the hands of our local governments, who can use the money to address problems unique to their area.”

JOSEPH MARTINO JR. (R) District 12 (I-85 corridor–parts of Charlotte, Greensboro and Durham)

BORN: March 17, 1936, Utica, N.Y. EDUCATION: Harvard U, A.B., 1958; Tufts U, M.D., 1962 FAMILY: Wife, Nancy; three children RELIGION: Roman Catholic MILITARY: Army Reserve Medical Corps, 1962-67, 1983- OCCUPATION: Physician POLITICAL CAREER: Republican nominee, U.S. House, 1994 ADDRESS: 715 North Caldwell Street, Salisbury 28144. Tel.: 704-637-0689

In his second race against Melvin Watt, Martino still advocates returning control to “citizens, local government and North Carolina–in that order.” He opposes abortion, but believes that the government shouldn’t legislate morality. A kidney doctor who rose from poor immigrant roots, Martino would rather focus on education, and says improving schools would solve a host of other ills.


Budget YES Medicare YES Defense NO Abortion YES Guns NO Gays YES Bosnia NR NAFTA NO Welfare YES Medical Leave YES (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)

QUOTE OF NOTE: “We don’t need government to tell us how to raise our children, make a living or live.”

MELVIN WATT (D) District 12

BORN: Aug. 26, 1945, Steele Creek EDUCATION: U of North Carolina, B.S., 1967; Yale U, J.D., 1970 FAMILY: Wife, Eulada; two children RELIGION: Presbyterian MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: Lawyer POLITICAL CAREER: North Carolina Senate, 1985-87; U.S. House, 1992- ADDRESS: P.O. Box 36831, Charlotte 28236. Tel.: 704-376-1996

Seemingly, all that stood between Watt and a third term was the Supreme Court–which ruled in June that his district was unconstitutional. But he got a reprieve when a lower court decided that the redistricting, which could deprive Watt of a 4-to-1 Democratic advantage, did not have to be done until next April 1. From the “rags” of a fatherless, tin-roofed home to the “riches” of the House Judiciary and Banking committees, Watt is the realization of the American dream to many in the 57-percent black 12th district–the old 12th, that is.


Budget NO Medicare NO Defense YES Abortion NO Guns YES Gays NO Bosnia NO NAFTA NO Welfare NO Medical Leave YES (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)

QUOTE OF NOTE: “The issues of race, color, religion and sexual orientation are surrounded by intense, often subjective emotions in this country.”

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