• U.S.

People: Nov. 3, 1986

1 minute read
Guy D. Garcia

Sometimes in country music, it seems as if every other person who can carry a tune has got some Cash connection. There’s Johnny, naturally, and his wife June Carter, and her late mother Maybelle, and his daughter Rosanne. Now, as fans of the Miss America contest know, there is his grandniece Kellye Cash. Her singing selections in the talent competition ran more to pop and the blues, but the 1987 Miss America would hardly deny her kinship for country crooning. During a homecoming celebration in Jackson, Tenn., Kellye, 21, got onstage for the first time with Great-Uncle Johnny, 54, and doubled up on a hit of his called Jackson. They had a little trouble getting it rehearsed right, said the old pro. “That’s my part we’re having trouble with, not hers. She got her part real well.”

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