
5 minute read

Tokyo Shift
Your cover story showed me that, yes, we can [Aug. 31]. Japan’s youth can make a difference and bring some light into our future, slowly but surely.
Sachiko Katayama,
Okayama, Japan

I am very interested in these young people. They continue to challenge and struggle. They operate in humble circumstances but they have a pioneering spirit and try to steadily change the country with their ideals. Japan’s past generations depended on their corporate lifestyle and allowed the Liberal Democratic Party to stay in power for decades while it ensured employment and economic growth. No longer assured of that work and pay, Japanese youth are anxious about the future. They must support themselves without the sense of security that existed in the past. The election is their triumph — not just that of the opposition.
Yasuhito Sakamoto,
Kanagawa, Japan

Obama and Gay Marriage
Re “Obama’s Gay Problem” [Aug. 31]: the President would not have a problem taking a stand if he were to look at his own marriage. My wife and I did. We were married in a traditional Christian wedding 43 years ago. We noticed that the civil same-sex ceremonies performed in California before Proposition 8 had no physical or spiritual impact on our marriage.
Roger Allan Gee,
San Diego

Hey, We Don’t All Love Limbaugh
I was deeply offended by Joe Klein’s characterization of those Republicans opposed to Obamacare as “extremists” [Aug. 31]. I am a moderate Republican with a degree in economics and an M.B.A. I was a career military officer and now work in the defense industry. I do not view myself as an extremist. I oppose Obamacare solely on policy and fiscal issues. Klein would be wise in the future to use less accusatory language in his writings.
Bill Walters,
Maitland, Fla., U.S.

A Bit Rich
I was deeply saddened by your article on Goldman Sachs [Aug. 31]. Their behavior is disgusting at a time when we ask young men and women to risk and give their lives in Afghanistan, and I am disappointed you published a story that attempts to justify the venal acts of the megarich. The article was little more than a crude whitewash for the CEO of Goldman Sachs, whose remuneration is so out of touch with the reality of everyday young people, especially those who lost their jobs in a recession that was brought about by the deeds of big banks. Had you been writing of the Russian mafia and their ties with the political landscape there, one would have understood the article in the same way. These avaricious people and the American government have obviously learned little and the whole sorry saga may repeat itself.
Simon Clarke,
Westmead, Australia

Vegas or Bust?
The article “Less Vegas” [Aug. 31] may leave readers with the impression that Las Vegas’ best days are behind us, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. There’s still a lot of activity and excitement left in the city. Even during the worst recession in decades, Las Vegas is projected to host about 36 million visitors in 2009. In the past year, Las Vegas has had more than $13 billion of new business development as well as major projects that are set to open in the next few months. Like many cities, Las Vegas has felt the impact of the economic downturn. However, investors still have confidence in Las Vegas, and the long-term future of our city is bright.
Oscar B. Goodman,
Mayor, las vegas

I am outraged by the behavior of las Vegas real estate agent Brooke Boemio. It is perplexing that she is aware that what she is doing is unethical, yet she seeks out clients and counsels them to commit fraud.
Tracy Jones,

Elephant and Dragon
I read with interest your essay on Sino-Indian tensions [Aug. 31]. It is clear that a major conflict between India and communist China would pose a very serious global threat. Yet I share the view that the long-term survival of India as a multicultural nation is more securely assured than that of communist China. Like all totalitarian states, China has decided to ensure the power of the central state by subduing all local cultures and languages. A vast country like India, with ancient traditions, many languages and several religions, has to tread a narrow path between the preservation of sometimes conflicting beliefs and the richness they give the country.
Jean Cévaër,
Pornichet, France

You say China “imagines” that the state of Arunachal Pradesh is part of its Tibet. That is a sinister use of the word. China does not imagine its territorial rights — it never recognized the demarcation of the border by the British — nor does it have any ambitions other than to take back what rightfully belongs to her.
Icy Fok,
Hong Kong

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