Vegas or Bust?

4 minute read

The article “Less Vegas” [Aug. 31] may leave readers with the impression that Las Vegas’ best days are behind us, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. There’s still a lot of activity and excitement left in the city. Even during the worst recession in decades, Las Vegas is projected to host about 36 million visitors in 2009. In the past year, Las Vegas has had more than $13 billion of new business development as well as major projects that are set to open in the next few months. Like many cities, Las Vegas has felt the impact of the economic downturn. However, investors still have confidence in Las Vegas, and the long-term future of our city is bright.
Oscar B. Goodman, Mayor, LAS VEGAS

I am outraged by the behavior of Las Vegas real estate agent Brooke Boemio. It is perplexing that she is aware that what she is doing is unethical, yet she seeks out clients and counsels them to commit fraud. I hope the Las Vegas Board of Realtors holds her accountable for her actions.
Tracy Jones, ANCHORAGE

In this current economic situation, walking up and down the strip in Las Vegas is a bit like watching a poker table where all the hotel, condo and casino owners are sitting. A lot are folding, others are checking and a few are all in, but all of them are keeping a poker face. Whatever the pot is, gamblers will never change. Even a bad hand won’t stop the Americans’ unquenchable capacity for hope.
Tristan Meillard, RENNES, FRANCE

Obama and Gay Marriage
Re “Obama’s Gay Problem” [Aug. 31]: the President would not have a problem taking a stand if he were to look at his own marriage. My wife and I did. We were married in a traditional Christian wedding 43 years ago. We noticed that the civil same-sex ceremonies performed in California before Proposition 8 had no physical or spiritual impact on our marriage.
Roger Allan Gee, SAN DIEGO

A Healthy Future
Joe Klein’s article on the opposition 
 to the health-care plan shows that there are people who are more interested in opposition just for opposition’s sake [Aug. 31]. I spent 34 years in countries where my health care came courtesy of Medicaid-type insurance, and I was disgusted to see many people barred from health care due to inadequate means. Now having lived in the U.K. for 15 years, I have enjoyed top-quality care courtesy of the NHS.

I firmly believe that sickness should not be seen as a business opportunity. Medical practitioners should be allowed to practice without the fear of being sued. Tests should be run solely to help with diagnosis and treatment and not to keep lawyers off practitioners’ backs. Queries by the doctors to health schemes should be handled by medical professionals and not operatives with only one main aim: to save money rather than help the patient.

Golden Age
Is it really so difficult to under-stand people’s anger about the record profits made by Goldman Sachs [Aug. 31]? If the author were not so dazzled by the company’s performance he would understand that we are not angered by a company doing well in difficult times. The rage is triggered by the perception that some institutions, having survived the near meltdown of the system with the help of taxpayers’ money, are now in a position to reap fat benefits at the expense of the man (or woman) in the street. Speculators may have a function in more prosperous times when they help to clear dead wood. In times of a deep recession, like the one we are still in, they are seen as a new breed of carpetbaggers.

Border Conflict
I read with interest Ishaan Tharoor’s story [Aug. 31]. It is clear that a major conflict between India and communist China would pose a very serious global threat. Yet I share his view that the long-term survival of India as a multicultural nation is more securely assured than that of communist China. Like all totalitarian states, China has decided to ensure the power of the central state by eradicating all local cultures and languages. A vast country such as India, with ancient traditions, many languages and several religions, has to tread a narrow path between the preservation of sometimes conflicting beliefs, and the richness they give the country.

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