
2 minute read

“Even if we become stronger and more developed, we will not stand in the way of others, still less become a threat to others.”
WEN JIABAO, Chinese Premier, speaking in Pakistan during his four-country tour of South Asia last week, on why the region should not fear a stronger China

“I feel that I have arrived in heaven.”
RAJA NASEERUDDIN, one of the first passengers on the new bus service linking the Indian and Pakistani sections of Kashmir, a route that has been closed since the 1940s because of hostilities between the two nations

“I believe there is a compelling case for action in these special circumstances.”
LARRY SUMMERS, Harvard University president, on the school’s decision to sell a $4.4 million investment in mainland oil giant PetroChina in protest over the company’s oil interests in strife-ridden Sudan

“In the past I have defended the right of the I.R.A. to engage in armed struggle … now there is an alternative.”
GERRY ADAMS, Sinn Fein president, urging the Irish Republican Army to pursue its goals through politics instead of violence. The I.R.A. has faced increasing pressure to reform following allegations of its involvement in criminal activities

“His real intention is to take this opportunity to engage in secessionist activity.”
QIN GANG, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, criticizing Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian’s invitation to the Pope’s funeral by the Vatican. Chen is the first Taiwanese leader to officially visit Europe

“What we are scenting is that the public is beginning to change its mind on the future of the monarchy when they look at the possibility of King Charles and Queen Camilla.”
STEPHEN HASELER, head of the British lobby group Republic, which is pushing to abolish the monarchy in favor of an elected head of state

“Jim, you think he’s with Jesus now? We only have 30 seconds.”
LARRY KING, CNN talk show host, interviewing actor James Caviezel, who played Jesus Christ in the film The Passion of the Christ, about the Pope’s death

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