• U.S.

Milestones Aug. 13, 2001

3 minute read
Melissa August, Amanda Bower, Beau Briese, Rhett Butler, Belinda Luscombe, Ellin Martens, Andrea Sachs, Ryan Schick, Sora Song, Heather Won Tesoriero and Kadesha Thomas

HOSPITALIZED. PRINCE CHARLES, 52, heir to the British throne; after falling off a horse during a charity polo match and suffering a brief bout of unconsciousness; in London. The prince regained consciousness quickly, but was taken to the hospital as a precaution. He was released the next day.

CONVICTED. RADISLAV KRSTIC, 53, former Bosnian Serb general; of genocide; for the July 1995 killing of more than 7,000 Muslims at the U.N.-protected enclave of Srebrenica in eastern Bosnia; by the U.N. war-crimes tribunal at the Hague. The one-legged (from a mine explosion) ex-general received the first genocide conviction handed down by the tribunal and, after the judge said Krstic had “agreed to evil,” its longest sentence–46 years in prison.

RELEASED. JOHN TOBIN, 24, American Fulbright scholar convicted in April on drug charges; on parole after six months into his one-year sentence; in Rossosh, Russia. Tobin, once a military-intelligence trainee, was arrested for marijuana possession in Voronezh, where he had been studying Russian political evolution, and later accused of (but never charged with) espionage. According to prison wardens, the foreign student passed the time by playing Ping-Pong, chess and the guitar.

DIED. KOREY STRINGER, 27, Minnesota Vikings Pro Bowl offensive tackle popular with teammates for his jovial demeanor and respected by fans for his charity work; after collapsing from heatstroke during practice in 90[degree]F-plus heat; at the Vikings’ training camp in Mankato, Minn. (See related story page 66.)

DIED. WAU HOLLAND, 49, one of the world’s earliest-known computer hackers; after a stroke; in Hamburg, Germany. With several other early hackers, Holland founded the Chaos Computer Club, which advocated the free exchange of information and introduced the public to issues of inadequate Internet security. In 1987 the club hacked into NASA computers to demonstrate those security shortcomings.

DIED. POUL ANDERSON, 74, award-winning writer of science fiction and fantasy; of prostate cancer; in Orinda, Calif. A self-described “total social misfit,” Anderson escaped high school angst by immersing himself in books. He began writing his own stories and in college sold his first one, Tomorrow’s Children, about the consequences of the atom bomb. Of his prolific output–which included such novels as Tau Zero and The Boat of a Million Years–his wife said, “We lost count after 100.”

DIED. MARTIN STERN JR., 84, architect who created the funky, quasi-futuristic Ships coffee shops in Los Angeles that exemplified the so-called Googie style popular in the 1950s and ’60s; in Los Angeles. Despite heavy protest from preservationists, one of the three coffee shops was razed in 1984. Stern also played a key role in redefining the Las Vegas skyline; amid the low-slung hotels that pioneered the Strip, he built the 26-story Mint Hotel and the towering MGM Grand.

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