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Books: THE CREAM. . . .

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There is no room in TIME for the second-rate, the inconsequential. The following new books are advertised here by their publishers only at the express invitation of TIME’s Book Editor. Not all the good books are here advertised; but all the books here advertised are good. They are books selected from extensive lists as being of outstanding merit and interest for TIME-readers. Laudatory “blurbs” are purposely omitted, being unnecessary. Each book’s mere presence in the list testifies to its excellence; each book admitted has been, or will be, descriptively reported in TIME text.

Reading these books you will partake of the cream of this season’s literature.


MY SON JOHN—E. B. Dewing— Minion Malch ($2). The progress of an incautious genius, originally traced.

KYRA KYRALINA—Panait Istrati —Knopf ($2.50). A Gorki of the Balkans.

MITYA’S LOVE—Ivan Bunin—Holt ($2). Love in old Russia.

LORD RAINGO—Arnold Bennett— Dor an ($2). Born a commoner, buried a peer.

LESS THAN KIN—Charles Caldwell—John Day ($2). The wine of a girl’s life pressed out in California.

HER SON’S WIFE—Dorothy Canfield—Harcourt, Brace ($2). Mote, beam and matriarch.

HARMER JOHN—Hugh Walpole— Doran ($2). Cleanliness encounters godliness.

PERELLA —W. J. Locke — Dodd, Mead ($2). Young artists married to their elders, in Florence.

EARLY AUTUMN—Louis Bromfield — Stokes ($2). Ancestor-worship in New England, where “thoughts grow higher and fewer.”

THE CHARWOMAN’S SHADOW — Lord Dusany—Putnam ($2). Poetic alchemy in mediaeval Spain.

THE SUN IN SPLENDOUR—Thomas Burke—Doran ($2.50). London’s slum man on his longest flight.

AN OLD MAN’S FOLLY — Floyd Dell — Doran ($2). Broken age leads blind youth.


JESUS — MAN OP GENIUS — J. Middleton Murry—Harper ($2.50). The interpretation of an intensely earnest experimenter.


WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW—Herbert Gorman—Doran ($5). Now it can be told.

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: THE FIRST CIVILIZED AMERICAN—Phillips Russell— Brentano’s ($5). French ladies figure.

Science, History, Art

THE NATURE OF THE WORLD and OF MAN—By 16 members of the Faculty of the University of Chicago—University of Chicago Press ($4). For a knowledgeable concept of the cosmos.

THE HUMAN ADVENTURE (2 vols.): THE CONQUEST OF CIVILIZATION—James Henry Breasted; THE ORDEAL OF CIVILIZATION — James Harvey Robinson—Harper ($10 or $5 each). Scholar-scientists on Man’s history since the ooze.

ON THE TRAIL OF ANCIENT MAN —Roy Chapman Andrews—Putnam ($6). “Asia is the mother of the continents!”

THE OUTLOOK FOR AMERICAN PROSE — Joseph Warren Beach — University of Chicago Press ($2.50). A critical barometer in literary storm centres.

THE NEW NATURAL HISTORY — Prof. J. Arthur Thomson—Putnam (3 vols. $18). Aims at scientific security, popular terms.

EIGHT YEARS WITH WILSON — David F. Houston — Doubleday, Page (2 vols. $10). A businessman reflects on Administration.

THE GANG—Frederic M. Thrasher — University of Chicago Press ($3). A six-years’, first-hand study of 1,313 crime clubs.

WHICH WAY PARNASSUS?—Percy Marks—Harcourt, Brace ($2). A mass attack on the colleges.

¶ I Should bookkeepers fail, the facilities of TIME’s book department are at itsreaders’ disposal to enlarge upon or order the above, or any other, books. Inclosecash or a check to the Book Editor, TIME the Newsmagazine, Penton Building,Cleveland, Ohio, making plain to whom you wish your purchases sent.

*Seventeen years ago her first novel, Other People’s Houses, arrested critical attention. A Big Horse to Ride (1911) confirmed her powers. Then she married, raised two daughters. Now she returns to writing, no whit rusty.

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