• U.S.

Milestones: May 31, 1926

2 minute read

Engaged. Miss Katrina van Dyke, daughter of famed Professor Henry van Dyke of Princeton, author, uplifter, optimist, onetime U. S. Minister to the Netherlands and Luxemburg (1913-17); to one Murray Peabody Brush Jr., son of the onetime Dean of the College at Johns Hopkins University.

Married. Francis Wolley (“Buss”) Bronson, author of a recent first novel, Spring Running, onetime (1922) Chairman of the Yale Record (humorous fortnightly) ; to Miss Helen Louise Silkman, in Manhattan.

Married. Cyril Hume, novelist (Wife of the Centaur, Cruel Fellowship), to Miss Charlotte Dickinson of Grand Rapids, after meeting her for the first time at the wedding of Novelist Bronson (see above), at which he functioned as best man and she as honor maid. Novelist Hume’s first wife, the onetime Jane Barbara Alexander, died last year in Florence, Italy, (TIME, June 1, MILESTONES).

Married. Odysseus Pangalos, young son of the Dictator-President of Greece, General Theodore Pangalos; stealthily, against his father’s wishes (see GREECE, p. 14).

Married. Helen Menken,* able 26-year-old U. S. actress (The Seventh Heaven, The Makropoulos Secret) ; to Actor Humphrey Bogart, 26 (Up the Ladder, Nerves, Cradle Snatchers) ; in Manhattan, after taking out a marriage license in . 1922. Married. Miss Katharine Duchatel Johnson, daughter of famed novelist Owen Johnson (The Varmint, Stover at Yale, etc.) ; to one William E. Kugeman Jr., in Manhattan.

Married. Miss Dorothy Anna Maria Schurman, daughter of the U. S. Ambassador to Germany, Jacob Gould Schurman to one James Marshall McHugh, Lieutenant U. S. M. C.; at the U. S. Embassy, Berlin, in the presence of the German Foreign Minister, Herr Stresemann, and his wife and many another.

Divorced. By Renee (“Big Parade”) Adoree, cinema actress, Tom Moore, cinema actor, at Los Angeles.

*Not related to Henry Louis (“Hatrack”) Mencken, editor of the American Mercury.

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